Advocates for Families is pleased to announce that Claude M. Orr has joined the firm as a new mediator. Claude attended the 40-hour Divorce and Custody Mediation Training with Zena Zumeta and is currently assisting the firm in ongoing mediations. Claude is also actively involved in the Wayne County Domestic Relations Mediation Program through the Wayne County Friend of the Court.
The firm has relocated to a new office suite in Bingham Farms. Please stop by and visit us at your earliest convenience.
Attorneys and guardian ad litems, Kim Denoyer and Keith Ostrowski, were invited by Oakland County Circuit Court, Judge James Alexander, to participate in a summit entitled Provider Roles in Child Protective Cases.
Kimberly Denoyer and Keith Ostrowski regularly speak at the Beaumont Hospital, Single Mom's Parenting Group, on a variety of legal issues affecting single moms, including paternity, child custody, child support, change of domicile, termination of parental rights and adoption.
Kimberly Denoyer and Keith Ostrowski presented, "Facilitative Mediation - Bridging Families for a Lifetime," at a meeting for the Family Rights Coalition at the Oakland County Commissioners Auditorium.
Kimberly Denoyer and Keith Ostrowski were selected by the Michigan Supreme Court, State Court Administrative Office, Family Services, Friend of the Court Bureau to serve as mediators in the Wayne County Domestic Relations Mediation Project. Ms. Denoyer and Mr. Ostrowski, as well as mediator, Claude Orr, regularly assist in resolving domestic relations cases for the participating judges in Wayne County Circuit Court.