• Divorce
  • Child Custody
  • Parenting Time
  • Child Support
  • Spousal Support
  • Separation
  • Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements
  • Post-Judgment Disputes
  • Guardian Ad Litem for Children in Abuse & Neglect, Child Custody or Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings

Family Friendly Fees
Based on the experience of our own attorneys, D&O recognizes the financial strain that a separation or divorce can cause on a family. Accordingly, D&O works very hard to maintain low overhead so that its clients can reap the benefit in the form of lower, more reasonable hourly rates.

Life Transition Coach
D&O offers its clients the service of a life transition coach throughout its representation. The life transition coach can be used, at the discretion of the client, to serve as support in any and all non-legal aspects of a divorce, including the collection of documents and information, appearance and moral support at court proceedings, referrals to community resources, etc. D&O's coaches may attend the initial client meetings and can establish a regular schedule of communication with the client to meet their needs at any stage of the proceedings.

D&O eConnection
D&O provides its clients with a quarterly eConnection that provides information and creative ways for clients to connect with their family.

FREE Legal Seminars
D&O offers free legal seminars every month as a service to the public and to its clients. Each seminar navigates attendees through the common legal issues of a divorce or separation, including an overview of the basic proceedings of a divorce, alternatives to litigation, property division, spousal support, child custody, parenting time and child support. Attendees will be empowered with knowledge to make a successful transition through their separation or divorce.

Beginning in January of 2007, D&O will offer teleclasses to encourage clients to make healthy, positive choices in their divorce or separation that will benefit the client and the entire family unit.

Facilitative Mediation through Advocates for Families
D&O offers its own alternative to litigating a separation or divorce through its facilitative mediation program, called Advocates for Families. This program was developed in response to the rising divorce rates in Michigan and the seemingly increasing adversarial nature of the litigation process. In short, the program allows couples to resolve family disputes in a non-adversarial environment that fosters communication, cooperation, honesty and respect. The program's goal is to reduce conflict that is inherent in the litigation process and help couples effectively communicate and negotiate their own resolution of the issues surrounding a separation or divorce as opposed to the court imposing one upon them. These resolutions are then incorporated into an appropriate Court approved document.

Professional Network of Affiliates to Address Non-legal Aspects of a Separation or Divorce
D&O recognizes that separation or divorce is not just a legal process and has affiliated with a team of professionals who specialize in various areas to assist clients with the overall process. D&O has interviewed and pre-screened these professionals to ensure that its clients are receiving a benefit from the professionals and that their philosophy is consistent with D&O's family-focused approach. D&O does not receive any referral fees based on these relationships - they exist solely to benefit its clients.